Wednesday, 13 July 2011


This week I was involved in breaking a world record! I guess it's not often we get to write that - although I should point out that it's not the first time I have assisted in such an endeavour (we'll get onto that one later).

On Saturday night I was a part of the largest sized image of a music event ever taken - me and 85,000 other Take That fans packed into Wembley Stadium. It was shot on a special high-res camera that allows you to zoom in and focus on every individual in the place. I'm to be seen clapping in Block 523, row 5, lime green top.

Focus is something I've had to work on myself this week too, as well as feeling a bit like I'm trying to break records. I'm stacked with work (which is a good thing... I think....), taking an art course and being a Mother, partner, daughter and housewife. Sometimes (in fact most times), it is difficult to know where to start.

In fact, do I have time and more importantly, should I be writing about it now? Probably not, but I'll keep it brief (and anyway, blogging is good for my soul).

When I first started freelancing, it was fairly easy to keep on top of things and I enjoyed a certain amount of free time to keep up with household chores. Now, with success and a number of clients under my belt, plus the desire to weld drawing and painting implements to my digits and play football in the garden of an evening with my boy, I'm having to become more and more organised... something I haven't been for a while...

I've even bought books on the subject and am currently trying to organise my time enough so I can read Leo Babauta's Power of Less and learn what are his 6 productivity principles that will change my life...

I'm nearly half way through the book and applying (some!) of his teaching and it does feel better, although I feel a bigger house with my own office, art studio and generally more room to spread out might also help!

I'm proud of who I am and that person is on a constant drive for improvement fuelled by a desire to always do a good job. I want to be like Take That - put on a good show, raise the bar and dazzle my audience. I want my clients eating out of the palm of my hand and screaming for more!


And finally ... the other world record? Well, it was to take part in the world's largest YMCA dance... at Northampton Balloon festival in 2008. Sadly the internet is not awash with news stories about this event, and this sorry report is just about all I could find (even the YouTube videos have gone). Given that it was never much of a record, I imagine it has been beaten by now. Perhaps I should have got 85,000 people at Take That doing YMCA instead of Mexican waves while we waiting for the band to come on stage!


  1. Hi Lisa,

    I'm with you on this one, although I'm fortunate in that I don't have children to worry about. It's really difficult trying to juggle multiple projects, I'm in a similar boat.
    I've recently started using a one page productivity planner which is really helpful.
    I downloaded it after watching this video:

    Don't worry, you don't have to buy anything ;) He explains how he uses the planner, then you can download it. I ignored all the other stuff about the DVDs, not interested.
    The planner is useful though.

    Ali (Exp Art course ;)

  2. You always make me laugh, Lisa. You are living a full life...just as god intended. I don't know how you do it all...I get too distracted.

    I checked out your Brown Lady...she is my favorite! Her hair, her eyes, the way she smells! xox

  3. Hi Lisa, thank you for posting those Take That vids I feel like I had my own mini concert over here hehehe. It looks like you would have had such a wonderful time I wish i could have been there what a spectacular looking show!!! I loved looking at the shot of the stadium how amazing and I think I found you hehehe!!! Loved your brown lady!!! She's gorgeous!!! love her pose and those eyes gorgeous work!

  4. Creativity and Excitement is your middle name. I love reading about all your activities. You'll probably break many records before your time is through on this planet!

  5. your post is filled with energy and excitement - don't be too hard on yourself, sometimes not being totally organised goes with the high energy that you seem to have, the passion for what you do - i have heard it said that there is order in chaos!

  6. I so want to do a world record!, or be in one more importantly, never thought of that before! I love this post because it shares the real stuff you do day to day and I love to read that about other people, bloggers can be so elusive sometimes! Im going to search this book, its sounds interesting!


  7. Bigger houses just mean more places to "hide stuff"....but more doors to close when people come over :)


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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