Sunday, 4 March 2012

Entrepreneurial me

Yeah yeah, it's another girl on a book page... What can I say? I like drawing girls on book pages. I find the whole process soothing and restful.

Chill time is definitely something I have to make the most of these days - as well as ensure I make time for. I'm on a roll with launching my new business plans. I'm already self-employed as you know, but I've got a few new irons in the fire in addition to the work I do out in the corporate world - I'm branching out into the fairy-tale magic of creativity.

When I was made redundant three years ago I had a number of sessions with a career advisor and at the time she said she saw me owning a portfolio of businesses; that it would suit me. These thoughts have simmered gently at the back of my mind but then the gentle bubbling began boiling over as the urge to embrace the creative tribe forced its way to the surface.

I can't see myself being anything other than an entrepreneur. The thought of being tied to one company now sends shivers down my spine - the kind where bunch of ramblers take an amble over my grave! At last I am in the vocation I was born to do. It surely explains those old Sunday night feelings of dread as I contemplated another week at the grindstone of my employers. They are long gone! At last I am free to do what I love. For my corporate clients I write and advise. I let rip with creativity and my heart and soul into doing the best work I can.

And now, I am on the cusp of an additional venture. I want to take what I've learned and inspire others to write and paint, craft and create. I want to work with this creative tribe I have found online and weave magic together.

I'm finalising my offering and will be sharing it soon, I promise. In the meantime, you can sign up to the mailing list (see the box in the top right of the sidebar) and I've also created a separate Twitter account @WrightBrains.
Follow WrightBrains on Twitter
Sharing this piece today with Sunday Sketches - pop over to Sophia's blog and check out what everyone has been creating this week!


  1. Sounds like an exciting time for you Lisa--you are an excellent example and inspiration for those who keep dreaming of what they want to do--forget about the dreaming--just do it--Love that!
    I know that you'll succeed, because that's the only way for you!

  2. Another gorgeous girl Lisa... I love the book paper background... and your new venture sounds incredibly exciting...

    Jenny x

  3. i am so looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us!
    wishing you the best of luck!
    I am all signed up for the above!

    best wishes! -xo

  4. Another wonderful sketch ~ She is beautiful! ~ Wishing you much success with your new endeavor ~ will check it out ~ namaste, carol (A Creative Harbor) Happy SS ^_^

  5. PS ~ am following you on Twitter ~ ^_^

  6. Sounds exciting...
    I can't wait to hear more!


  7. She is wonderful..beautiful.

  8. i've always liked the way u draw on printed pages. would like to try them later

    anyway, all the best!

  9. I love all the colors you bring into this piece. It really brings her to life.

    I'm so excited that you're finding ways to make your creativity work for you in all types of ventures. Very inspiring!

  10. Lovely painting and good luck with your new venture! Valerie

  11. She's wonderful Lisa, and I'm so excited for you and your new venture! I wish you all the best and I've signed up to receive your news letter! xoxo

  12. beautiful girl on a book page! Good luck with all that is going on in your life, exciting.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Beautiful drawing :)

  15. I like that you didn't just go with obvious colors for the shading of the face and hair. I guess it makes sense that you'd need to go brighter to make the image stand out from the words on the page, but the result is very pretty.

  16. Hi Lisa, your plans sound fantastic, can;t wait to you reveal the girl on the page... :)

  17. I have always loved the faces on newsprint or books that you create. Your new business idea sounds good so far. I absolutely love the name "Wright Brains" Very clever! Can't wait to read more about it. I'm traveling right now but will try to catch your posts when I am near a computer.

  18. I am all signed up too. I await what ever it is with great anticipation.
    Lovely painting....soft and thoughtful!

  19. This is beautiful. I love the combination of painting on words. So excited to hear what your next venture will be. I'll be following your new Twitter account to stay informed. :D
    Catherine Denton

  20. sounds exciting! I think we always really know what it is we were destined to do, we just have to listen to our heart, I don't think its ever wrong to follow our heart.

  21. All so exciting on the work front and like you I love my life free of the Sunday night depression... and I love your page girls... the colours and lines are just so expressive... very cool ...xx

  22. Glad you are finding your path. How very exciting! I look forward to more on this.
    Your girls are always beautiful.

  23. The idea of being a whole lot of things, instead of just one has always appealed to me. Your new venture sounds exciting - looking forward to hearing all about it.

  24. So excited for you! And wishing you the best in your new venture!!

  25. You have us all excited....chomping at the bit!!
    Can't wait!

  26. It is great to share your journey Lisa, you have come so far already. Very best wishes for your new venture and I look forward to following your entrepreneurial blossoming

  27. I'm intrigued by your style because I also love to paint women's faces. Your paintings are spectacular.


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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