Friday, 13 April 2012

A postcard from Iceland

I truly never realised the beauty of this country until I started researching it for the Postcard Challenge this week. I'm so in awe of the wild and wonderful spectacle that nature creates. I've even created a board on Pinterest - see if you can spot the picture I painted!

So, this week sees our intrepid heroine in the land of the Aurora Borealis (yes, I did have to check the spelling on that one!). I wonder if she got to see them, it's still the right time of the year. No wonder that the Icelandics believe in elves with such a magical show regularly on their doorstep!

I think X rather likes it when Y flirts with her. I get the impression she might be a little lonely. Perhaps that is why she is hinting at revealing some of her secrets!

Full back story of the mysterious correspondence is right here.

Worry no longer, for I have escaped the Turkish bathroom and headed North to Iceland - that's the country rather than the frozen food shop where "Mums shop".

I had never realised there would be such beauty and colour here. I am enjoying it in solitude - no flings (or indeed slings!) here!

One day I might tell you what carries me around the blog and ask the same of you. For now I'll retain my cloak of mystery....

Where next?



  1. Lovely card, wonderful colours! Iceland used to be my Mum's fave shop; every time I visited her in London we had to drive there so she could stock up on stuff enough for 5 years! I am sure Cissie adores it! Valerie

  2. Such a beautiful drawing! ♥
    I found out lots of cool little things about Iceland too, like it never has been above 25C, might be my perfect place to spend the Summer holidays! :)

  3. Beautiful postcard and love your colours. So glad X is out of the bathroom!

    Janet xx

  4. OOOO it is most beautiful! very exciting looking <3

  5. Stunning representation Lisa!!! I too am wondering why she is travelling the world alone :D XXX

  6. Ah!! awesome card this week, love your perspective and colours, very cool! M

  7. Beautiful card, I love those colours!

  8. a brilliant card. great colours.

  9. you have catch these wonderful colors of Island so well !!

  10. wow..stunning, I just love those colours.

  11. Wonderful colors in this one. I love it! Looking forward to learning more!

  12. I think that is what blogging is all about. We learn so much about different areas from other bloggers and the challenges that are offered sometimes require us to delve into a situation or place. You did a beautiful job with your postcard of iceland.

  13. Gorgeous card! I do hope she got to see the Northern Lights! They are truly magical.

  14. Iceland truly is a remarkable and beautiful country. I went there when I was in my late 20's. And Lisa your postcards are really fabulous. More Please!!

  15. Me, too! I love finding out new info on countries. :) Fab postcard!

  16. Me Likey! Your drawing of the Aurora Borealis is wonderful ( I couldn't master one).

  17. I love your image and colours! Did you use oil pastels? It is just beautiful!!!

  18. Love the colours on your postcard, great stamp too.
    Jen x

  19. Such a beautiful drawing! Lisa your postcards are really fabulous. More Please! Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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