Sunday, 12 May 2013


Did someone say Hawaii?

I can hear the sounds of the surf, smell the vanilla beans and feel the music pumping through my veins. Shall we grab a board and go surfing?

Layers of sunshine, flowers and holiday make up this piece. There are raffle tickets for luck and secret words hiding beneath the paint.

Can you see them?

Sharing some Summer with Sunday Sketches - Aloha!


  1. this is gorgeous - I love that there are secrets hidden in the painting!

  2. Lisa!!!!!! Your gorgeous artwork has transported me all the way to Hawaii!!!! This is so beautiful and I love the colours!!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!!!!!!!

  3. Beautiful! Love the design and colors ~ Love Hawaii ~ Happy Day ^_^

  4. So pretty, love the colors and layers! <3

  5. wonderful tribute to Hawaii, lovely sketch!

  6. A beautiful painting, and I love the unusual colour combinations and the layering.

  7. I wouldn't mind waking up in Hawaii at all. :) Great painting!

  8. This would make an awesome fabric!! perhaps?
    Just beautiful, Lisa!

  9. Beautiful! I would love to pluck one of those flowers, put it in my hair, and head for Hawaii! Meet me there?

  10. Wow...I totally love this! And what a wonderful surprise to click and see the post title...for I use that greeting each and every day in honor of my Hawaiian born mother!!!

    Aloha right back at you, and a great big Mahalo!!!

  11. oh, and by the way...I received one of your postcards in the LYA swap...AND, the Art Journal Hop I started as a result of your gift to me, is up and, another MAHALO to you for that inspiration as well!

    Have a great day!

  12. Beautiful inspiration in color and design! You have captured the essence and mystery of the islands!

    Foxglove Hollow

  13. No surprises this work. The layering of imagery and color are delightful.

  14. Love the layers and colors and the fact that there are secret layers. I noticed an outline of a collaged butterfly in the third image and the second image reminds me of cocoons.

    Thank you for your lovely encouragement on my workshop. I'm going to keep the book you mentioned in mind.

  15. Just had me a little catch up and love the Picasso girl with a pearl earring... fabulous... and the spring flowers were wonderful as well... but this is my favourite... we get a lot of hibiscus growing around here and they are just so magnificently show offy if you know what i mean... they are glorious...xx

  16. Beautiful! grabbing my grass skirt and I am on my way!

  17. I can, the images are still vivid in my mind and heart all these long years ago..


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