Wednesday, 16 March 2011


Are you allowed to say you've been featured if you were the one doing the featuring? Hmm, possibly?

Well, guess what...

As if you didn't get enough of me here, you can pop over to Inspiration Avenue of which I am a member, and have a read all about me.

While I'm here, and before you dash off, I just had to share with you what I found in the garden today. The photograph is actual size and I believe that may just be fairy dust floating around in an attempt to hide the little lady. I always knew that there were fairies in the bottom of my garden... as well as the bats in my belfry and butterflies in my stomach.

The butterflies were busy today. I had to stand up and speak in front of a couple of hundred people. I was given a microphone which is always a dangerous thing. The temptation to start singing is often too great, but seeing as we sadly don't exist in the world of musical theatre then, bursting into impromptu song and dance routines just doesn't happen in the way it does like in West Side Story or The Sound of Music. If only...


  1. Yay..I will check it out..congrats on the feature!

  2. Ah, I'm right there with you... wishing we lived in the land of musicals, now if only I could find my voice, LOL
    Seriously, it's wonderful to see the feature you did for IA, and who does love an opportunity to parooze some of your gorgeous work?!

  3. That certainly looks like fairy dust to me too
    got to go check out the other piece on you.

    Happy Saint Patty's Day to you.


  4. Congratulations. I love the garden fairy and the way in which you have her peeking around the plant. I get butterflies when I speak too. If only the world were the cast of Mama Mia. I loved that movie.

  5. hahaha!!! right there with you :) wouldn't it be great if we can randomly burst into song and dance complete with the right garments and makeup ... :) i guess i'll just have to visit middle earth again for a dose of magic ;)

  6. Love your delicate Fairy peeking out - so soft and magical!

  7. Loved the feature Lisa...your work is just beautiful.
    Keep on painting!!

    Jeanne xx


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