Sunday, 4 November 2012


Back in the summer I was gifted (from Karen - I am Rushmore) a beautiful handmade journal with each page a unique opportunity to create more art and expand upon what was already there. Assorted ephemera, painted backgrounds, tags, textures ... all beckoned and invited me to come and play.

I was so excited - so much possibility... and yet...

So much opportunity to mess it up! The Muse went all shy, foolish thing. I tried reasoning with her. Doesn't she realise I just want her to be 'herself', my artist within that loves to create?

Well, it took some time, but I feel she's finally allowing her authenticity to flow through. This week we received back the Round Robin Art Journal that has been through the hands and creative thought of eight artists. I was blown away by the contents and you will be too - watch this space for once we each have our treasures back we'll be holding a blog party to share all that loveliness with the rest of our creative tribes in Blogland!

Taking part in this shared experience gave me the confidence that I wasn't going to 'ruin' Karen's book, and I am slowly adding my own layers, my story to sit alongside hers. I'm excited to see where this adventure will lead.

Thank you to all my artist friends who help me grow, push my boundaries and bring such joy and friendship!

Sharing this sketch over one of Karen's backgrounds today.I took the hard black line as the bridge of a nose and the rest just flowed from there...


  1. that ... is an amazingly powerful sketch! together with the background, this piece emanates so much energy and vitality. a statement for sure. that's gorgeous girlfren!!

  2. This is a very dramatic piece, almost abstract, nice work!

  3. Gorgeous the bold colors and emotion! Always amazing to see what you've been up to!

  4. Karen created a lovely background and your drawing looks great atop it, love those eyes!

  5. such haunting eyes. i love the idea of collaborative project, as you've described. can't wait to see more!

  6. wonderful opportunities to let go and explore art... can be scary though. Sometimes that is why i use a pen for art.... i have to make peace with not being about to erase anything. wonderful piece above. for me there is an intensity in the eyes, streaks of color and even her mouth.

  7. Lovely story and great idea. Love the artwork you've done. Can't wait to see more... :)

  8. Hi Lisa! Wonderful page. I did one of those journal a few years ago and it was something I still enjoy looking back at.

  9. Love the authenticity coming out ~ Wonderful! ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  10. Lisa this is a wonderful and beautiful page. Really amazing work, marvelous expression of the face.
    Lovely greet

  11. I really like this one and how carefully you have rendered it... it has a lot of uniqueness if you know what I mean... so glad your muse is back and being kind... they are kind of bitchy some times aren't they... muses are the mean girls of the creative world I think... xx

  12. Fascinating look you achieved with her. She looks very intriguing.

  13. Outstanding! I really like the intensity of her gaze which complements the brightness of color.

  14. cool, cool, cool! I'm so glad you're using it!

  15. Looks like your patience and coaxing brought out your muse! I'm looking forward to seeing more. And I enjoyed your cat stories in your comment for my post:)


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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