Monday, 25 March 2013

Around the corner

I went to New York this evening. The buzz was incredible. It was raining, but I danced through the downpour, high on the big city feeling.

OK, so it was the NY of my imagination, but I'm telling you those bars were something else...

This painting totally went with the flow. Starting with a few coloured streaks of general skyscraperishness, then built with collage and spot of rain-soaked mood, the city grew before my eyes. Monoliths of commerce and fashion rising before my eyes.

Flow is something that has been swimming around my mind today. I posted a Steve Jobs quote on my Facebook page about the mysterious creative process - where ideas are formed on the hoof as we ride through a wash of colour, texture and form. I knew this would be a picture of a city skyline before I started, but that was it. Everything else appeared on the page rather as it would on a first-time exploratory adventure around 'the city that never sleeps'. Corners were turned in my mind as new vistas appeared on the page.

Thanks to Michael over at Creative Tuesdays for the prompt - I needed a new direction and clearly it was across the Atlantic!


  1. Very beautiful take on the theme, Lisa!

  2. perfectly captured that NY feeling. I also sort of half-blindly created my piece. I think that's really the only way to create. sometimes planning too much is just too much.

    thanks for dropping by my CT. have a sweet day.

  3. Great outcome of your fantasy....beautiful!!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. One of the amazing things about art is how, when things go right, the artwork flows and makes itself almost. Nice collage, and moody colours - more interesting than the usual colours used for NY.

  5. I love your piece, with all the collage layers and the muted tones, really beautiful. I have also spied the legs!

  6. I love the contrast between the soft figure and the vertical buildings. Wonderful flow between color shape and texture! Thanks for taking us along to your own private New York.

  7. Really an NY feeling. Beatiful work and fanfastic structures
    lovely greet

  8. Love the collage and the Steve Job quote. When I first glanced at your NY cityscape I immediately thought of NY.. When I looked again, there you were roaming the streets on the right hand corner. I really like that. I also see areas of your "spot of rain soaked mood" which is so beautifully said. Nice.

  9. Wow Lisa, how wonderful to have you on board (again) after so long! Good to hear from you. Totally love your artistic expression here. Wonderful. Really works well. Thanks for joining in! :)

    BTW, really enjoyed reading your write up, esp the first paragraph.

  10. I can feel the hustle bustle transforming from work to play as the sky darkens....great emotive piece!

  11. Great post. Well written, good quote, and I love the collage!


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