Sunday, 11 July 2010

Sunday Sketches, Scissors and Rockets

Next up - drawing giraffes without looking at the paper! I'm enjoying these exercises - all about freedom of expression, imperfection and not thinking too much. Just getting pencil on paper. They are from The Drawing Lab by Carla Sonheim.

Still woozy from this labywotsitinnerearinfection. It's such a nice day too - I should be running about outside and practising the 'Ronaldo Scissor' with my son, but any sudden movements are most risky and liable to have me falling into flower beds. Next time I see someone wandering down the High Street apparently drunk, I might have to give them the benefit of the doubt!

Half an hour later and I return from NASA launch pad in the front garden ready for a rest. We have blasted numerous rockets into space. Two sadly failed to return safely. They landed on planet Rowan and planet Sycamore where their astronauts are waving and hoping for a stiff breeze to send them on their way again.

Note to self: launching rockets does not exacerbate labywotsit symptoms. Clearly safer than driving, picking things up off floor or lying down. Maybe should write a report for the British Medical Journal...


  1. hi!!! i'm amazed of your wonderful art! your sketches and your collages and all your art is fantastic!!!!
    thanks so much for the visit and the nice words!

  2. these are fun. I have never tried this but I will now.
    I am just getting over (hopefully) a inner ear mess too, and it has screwed up my balance and left me dizzy at times. I really feel for you.
    I hope you are feeling better soon!


    BTW, I did visit and checked out the artist you recommended. I just love her stuff! I was interrupted by a little person before I could comment! Ahhhhh! Thanks for your kind words and for the recommendation.

    Smiles (again)

  3. These are terrific, it is harder than most people would think to not lift your pencil. You have done a fantastic job. Hope your wooseyspinningfallingdownthingy goes away soon.

  4. These Sunday sketches are awesome!! Love!!!

  5. they seem to be staring straight at me, nice sketch

  6. Very cool idea. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Love your sketches, it is a great drawing exercise. I hope you feel better soon, you seem to be coping with great humour.
    J x

  8. These turned out great. I'm going to have to try that sometime. Looks like fun.

    Hope your inner ear feels better soon. I have problems with equilibrium and get dizzy every now and again. No fun.

  9. These are so great and full of personality!! :) That sounds like a fun exercise to try :) ~Lauren

  10. What fun! Love the method!

  11. Interesting sketches, each has h/her own personality. Well Done and hope your ear infection gone or going very soon! Take care.

  12. I hope you feel better soon! Your sketches are so good. I'll have to try this sometime!

  13. Sketches are great and I love the painting in the recent post, ear infection does not sound like fun. May planet Rowan and planet Sycamore sprout many more lovelies to nest their new found treasures :)


  14. Very fun, thanks for sharing. you did a great job, actually without lifting the pencil...that can be very difficult...I am constantly lifting and erasing...
    Hope you feel better soon!

  15. hope you're feeling better. Love seeing your art and what you are up to! Gosh, there is so much inspiration out there . . . . . loving your 'sort of' self portrait too :)



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