Sunday, 20 February 2011


No prize for guessing what movie I've been watching*. It was rather good... I'm not going to say any more than that because if you haven't pirouetted your way to seeing it yet, then it would certainly spoil it to say more than it's a film about a ballet dancer! Go see it and enjoy and let the director, cast and cinematography tell you its story.

Then, put on some Tchaikovsky, grab your artist materials and follow Nina and... let go...

Last week while on my photographic assignment - to capture some magic - I snapped a shot of the movie poster inside the British Film Institute. Tonight I drew... It was the first page of new sketchbook - all pristine, no paint sploshes, no crumpled sheets. Just 110 pages of delicious anticipation. What shapes and forms will appear over the coming months? What magic? What pain and disaster? (not much I hope, but we do learn from those!)

For Sunday Sketches - see what everyone else has sketched this week.

I thought it was also rather appropriate for Illustration Friday's 'layers' - once you see the film you'll know why...

*Postscript: If you don't know what I'm talking about - it's the new Natalie Portman film, Black Swan!


  1. Oooh--I love her! 2 of my kids have seen this movie and loved it--I need to go--I hate going out in this cold weather, and the movie theater--I swear--they have the air conditioner on.

  2. was a very layered film. Nice work.

  3. Love your illustration of the black swan. The movie was very intense, interesting, thrilling and sometimes hard to watch. You captured the mysterious mood. :-)

  4. She is gorgeous. I have been wondering if I should get that movie or not, but now I know I must get it.

  5. You draw facial features beautifully, and ya apart from Sunday Sketches, it sure is very apt for the Theme Layers. (i've seen the movie) :)

  6. Wonderful. I haven't seen the movie yet, but I knew exactly what it must be even before your clues... You make me want to see it even more!


  7. Spooky, love your sketch, the movie hasn't come to France yet,I will keep a look out..Well you just can't beat Tchaikovsky. Everytime I hear his music it makes me go all gooey and goosebumpy and I just melt alway...think I will put some on right now...

  8. oh yes, i recognize this! great job, you've captured her!!!!

  9. Beautifully done - you draw faces with such confidence.

  10. I haven't seen the movie yet, but this black swan is the perfect way to start a new journal.
    Love her.

  11. Great eyes, reminds me of the way we did makeup for our Suessical play at school for the characters, love making artistic animal faces. My husband really wants to see the movie i have heard it is great was not too sure how dark but i probably will go.

  12. This is so dramatic and looks just like the movie! My daughter saw it and keeps telling me I need to go...Will have to do it soon.

    Thanks for the email and hope your son's day was perfect! Did you survive? :-)

    Love it when I have a new sketchbook all ready to fill up with who knows what ~ They always seem so full of promise yes!

    Smiles and happy Sunday

  13. Great piece!!! I know what film you're talking about!! : )))))

  14. very dramatic eyes! I haven't seen the movie but I know exactly which one you're talking about!

  15. I have yet to see Black Swan...I am dying to see it though. I am a huge fan of Darren Aronofsky...have you ever seen the movies "The Fountain," or "Requiem for a Dream?" Oh I also love the composer Clint Mansell that he uses in his films...the music is so creepy yet lovely. Your drawing has captured that creepy aspect Natalie Portman has been giving off on all the commercials/posters. I can't wait to see it!!!

  16. She's beautiful. The eyes are stunning capture of her.

  17. Awesome sketch! I haven't seen Black Swan yet, but you've intrigued me to want to even more.

  18. I like your inspiration! I highy enjoy her nose, it's a grand nose.

  19. I am dying to see this movie!!! You have captured the ballerina quite well. Isn't the first page in a sketch book the scariest for me. But after that no holding me back. Great job!

  20. Great sketch and I haven't seen the film yet either.

  21. She's really beautiful and now I'm intrigued enough to see the movie! Have a great day! xoxo

  22. She has a very mysterious look in her eyes.

  23. Oh wow this is fantastic!!! The eyes are so striking, I love how it's so vibrant I can't manage to do that with pencils but you have nailed it. I love that you haven't drawn the whole face but it's more than enough! Brilliant work Lisa!!!! :0) I really want to see this film too but we went and saw 127 hours the other night. That was an amazing movie too next time it's the ballet I think! :0)

  24. Super gorgeous Lisa..just my it!

  25. An absolutely gorgeous sketch!! It will be a fabulous sketchbook with a start like this!

    I'll have to see the movie!

  26. Yes, you have indeed captured Nina...I absolutely loved this movie - very confronting, and the ballet was amazing - Natalie Portman was incredible in this role.

  27. Great sketch! I saw the movie and loved it! :)

  28. I love this!
    The breathing in the film really got to me, really made me feel the power of emotions that were going on. Breath is powerful!

  29. Beautiful image, such intense eyes!

  30. She's wonderful! I haven't seen the movie yet but I can hardly wait to. Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving me a lovely comment. I LOVE your blog and I am following your beautiful words and art! I've gone back thru some of your previous posts and I'm loving all of them!

  31. Creepy and so very well done. It made the skin prick on the back of my neck when the page opened up.

  32. Very nicely done! i like the picture .)

  33. Beautiful illustration! The cinematography was so beautiful in the movie. Can't wait to see Red Riding Hood!

  34. Love the art! And isn't getting a new sketchbook always so much fun - oh the possibilities. I'm almost due a new one myself

  35. Haven’t see the movie, but I recognized it right away! Nice work!!!

  36. Beautiful! I am obsessed with that film and you captured her eyes, essence, and makeup perfectly. You really did make it look like she has wings around her eyes. Your pencil work and use of color is always beautiful and impressive.


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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