Monday, 19 September 2011

My place

I had a sudden realisation. There's a place in my house that is full of 'me'. It's the top of the drawers in my bedroom - piles of art and creativity books, boxes full of treasures, jewellery and pretty things. If I'm feeling low, I often find myself drawn there to ponder, to feel, to dream and above all to be inspired.

It's a place where I can look through the layers of life into what and who I am. A retreat.

Do you have a special space?

Artwork is made from layers of collaged paper with a graphite sketch on top, finished with an overlay in PhotoShop.

It's a relief to post something new so I don't have to keep looking at the Zombie from yesterday!


  1. My room that I call my nest...comfy, cozy and full of creative energy! I could roost in my nest all day long!

  2. I love that you have your own little place....I do too....I have three places....and I enjoy seeing and working in my spaces....beautiful piece Lisa!!!!

  3. I have a studio in my home. That is my special place. My doggies join me there and I play that music that I like.:)

  4. My studio place is probably the most me....but still, not enough me :)
    Off to see your zombie!

  5. Ah yes, my place is a nest all around me (at least that's what my hubby calls it. It's my place where I keep all the things that inspire me and it tends to be close to wherever I am at the time. Hubby is in the process of creating a studio just for me and my nest (as it's currently in our bedroom!
    Your page with the graphite drawing looks great, almost hauntingly so. It does give it a beautiful look to it like it is an old photograph.
    Hugs and blessings

  6. Ha! Went back to see your Zombie! What fun! I went and checked out the zombie attack as well - a hoot!
    Cool artwork this post as well. I have to say the entire house is me as I live alone now. I can stack up my books, journals, art stuff and such in any and all rooms if I wish - it's very freeing (if not a little sad). I am in the process of confining my sprawl so that I can get back to entertaining again!
    Jessi xox

  7. Hi
    Special places - I'm very lucky I have two special places - my bedroom which I have all to myself (my husband and I have always had our own bedrooms - very 'royal') and then I have a whole room as a studio - I know spoilt brat. I love this girl - with the layers behind her, moulded into her face, it makes me think about all the experiences we have in life and how they layer upon our lives.

  8. My special place is what I call my studio but it is no bigger than a cupboard. I am very rapidly outgrowing it with all my bits and bobs that I keep collecting. I love sitting there adoring it all shutting myself off from the rest of the world for a little while.

  9. I love this piece, so beautiful.
    My 'place' seems to be all over the house. lol

  10. What a nice post and I love your artwork. My special places are my bedroom, at the dining room table, outside in the back yard. I would love to have my own room for all books and art...I plan to take my son's room once he finishes college.


  11. I am lucky enough to have a whole room just for me in my house. One of the benefits of having no kids is that the play space goes to me. ;-) In my studio I have my supplies and tools, etc, but I also have books, artwork from friends, an altar with treasures and heart shaped rocks (of course)found along the way and of course, my computer, that helps me connect to other hearts who inspire me too. A Blessed artist am I !!!
    Glad you have a space that is full of you.

  12. It's no doubt--my art room. No matter what's going on in my life--I am always happy there, and there is definitely "me" everywhere!! Lenny's there too :)

  13. I REALLY like this piece you've created above! It makes me want to get out the matte medium and Portfolio crayons, and do Mixed Media! But I can't, because i'm trapped here in my "special place", right in front of the computer! [ Haha! But it's okay, because I LOVE my Digital Atelier!]

  14. This piece is gorgeous! I wish I had my own room or area for my books, art and all the stuff:)

  15. I love the artwork - yes we all need somewhere like that; not sure that I have one, tho...

  16. Such a lovely piece..Love the colours and the dreamy eyes that ever so gently are emerging.
    mmmm a place you ask?....It would have to be my little creative space which I escape to as often as possible.
    ps.Holy DO draw a scary zombie!(mind you, this being said by the girl who can't even watch Midsomer Murders alone! haha!)x

  17. Beautiful Lisa..she is very serene and bewildering..I almost feel a cross between Amelie and Jeanne D'Arc/Joan of Arc.

    Happy you have a special space that captures your loft is my art room whihc is very special to me..but i have another room with lavender walls..and it is my mystical space ..quite and magical and just me!
    Wishing you a Happy Autumn

  18. Wonderful collage! Your special space sounds lovely. I took the doors off the closet in our office/library and stuck my comfy chair in it so I have my very own reading nook.

  19. oh yes!
    i have to
    for my own sanity
    i just pinterest your face
    it is so awesome!
    i hope it is okay with you


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