Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Mysterious goings on...

Have you ever wondered what happens to the characters in a book when you close the last page? Do they actually sail off into the proverbial sunset living in a state of perpetual bliss or are they perhaps destined to just begin again at page 1?

Imagine being Cathy and Heathcliff and having to relive that nightmare existence over and over and over? How many times has poor little Oliver had to ask for more? For Scarlett tomorrow would never come and Bridget Jones... well, could her liver cope with that much wine?

Every time we read these stories our imaginations bring each character to life. We give them soul and meaning. We take their hand and lift them from words to create our own picture. We create life only to shut it away once we've drunk our fill of joy and sorrow, exhileration, passion and despair.

One day maybe they will revolt. Will Elizabeth Bennett mysteriously take real form from the words on the page dragging Darcy in her wake then dive into a copy of Dracula to add some bite to their life? I'd have to caution Miss Jones from entering Wuthering Heights. Heathcliffe is just the sort of wrong man she'd fall for! And Peter Rabbit should avoid the Fantastic Mr Fox for obvious reasons. Alice and the Hatter would be sure to have fun at Hogwarts and I'm sure that Sauron and Voldemort would have a great deal in common!

Or, once free, these characters may just prefer to hang out in the 21st Century spending time analysing our behaviour for a change - especially those who are the favoured texts of examiners. Frankenstein might be only to pleased to have a chance to explain why he is so misunderstood...

The idea for this post came from when this mysterious lady started taking shape from the pages of a romantic novel... She's for Illustration Friday's Mysterious theme. I rather like this whole train of thought. Think I'll do some more... Watch this space!


  1. I LOVE this concept. I'm going to borrow it to present to my writing group and see what they come up with. Each week we get together and write two or three things from prompts. This is a great prompt.
    Thank you for sharing. The painting is wonderful.

  2. Am totally entranced with your thinking, especially mixing up the characters in various books.
    Terrific sketch as well. Annette x

  3. ooo, I likethis and you really set the mind to thinking!

  4. LOVE this post! I have always lost myself in books, for as long as I can remember. I always tell my kids if you have books, you will never be bored. Oh, the adventures I have been on! And yes, I completely get what you mean about the characters after the last page is turned. There have been a handful of books where I just didn't want to leave! They have absorbed me so completely. Stephen King's Duma Key comes to mind - hmmmm, I really must read that one again - what was it that captured me so completely? Some people just have a gift for weaving a tale so absorbing that the rest of the world just falls away.

  5. Love this post and your painting! I think its a great idea to inspire you!!! :0) I like the idea of all the different characters meeting up and appearing in each other stories! :0)

  6. ooooh- great thought provoking post...i like the painting, too!

  7. Oh my, I love this train of thought and the illustration!

  8. Love the mixing up of the characters - haven't thought about that before, but the idea is VERY intriguing!

  9. What a great post - I've often caught myself lying in bed after reading a really good book and carrying on the story. Sometimes, its really hard to let the characters go and you have to let them stay in your life just a little bit longer.

  10. aaah the mystery of life. are we characters in our story book???

  11. I meant to add - looove this post and this blog (still :))

  12. Oh cool post! In fact is was a awesome post!
    I often wondered that about computer games etc.
    :) Julie

  13. Well, most of my books have a sequel so I know they keep living. :)) But how fun it would be if the classics would emerge in todays trend of books?! :) What if Alice was an abused orphan put into an asilum and made into a prostitute and mad hatter would be her pimp? Oh wait! Isn't there a movie about this? Yes, it's called Sucker punch. :) They are stealing from the classics.

  14. I like this idea too Lisa. This seems like a clever way to approach art with stories to match.

  15. You know your post rings so true for me. Whenever I finish a book, I miss the characters and hope there is a sequel for me to read! :-)

  16. How wonderfully writen and what a lovely idea! I may start taking my bookcase apart and bring all the characters alive!

  17. Beautiful Lisa....wowness and wondefully written..
    Wishing you a day of Sparkles

  18. Brilliant notion - I do hope they don't live in a perpetual 'ground hog day' and your lady illustrates your point perfectly.

  19. I think your drawing is very mysterious as is the thought that characters are prisoners behind the cover of the book. You leave them but they are stuck forever on those pages. Wow, i can never read a book as i did before.

  20. This post has totally sparked my imagination, the art you have done seems full of wonder, questions, I think she is trying to work out what happens when that last book page closes too... fantastic thoughts here & thank you for stirring the muse :)

  21. What an intriguing idea, Lisa....and your pairings are both funny and thoughtful :)

    The girl's face is lovely, as well....I have always liked the look of text peeking out from under art :P

  22. Thought provoking indeed! Nice illustration!

  23. Great post, I love the drawing, it has a lot of depth.


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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