Sunday, 24 February 2013

Disaster - well, a very small one...

Does your common sense diminish as you grow older? I think mine may have done. Take today. I had just finished this perfectly respectable piece of artwork above - just a light poppy sketch I thought I'd knock up - I mean, it's been all ... what .... about 12 hours since I last did one...

Anyway, some sixth sense (obviously my common one) told me to scan it in before I attempted the next stage. I had decided to seal it with wax. Now, you might not think that's a bad idea - after all, it's only on an old book page which is pretty flimsy. As long as I don't leave the iron on for too long, all should be well.

And so it would have been... had this not been a piece of art embellished with oil pastel. Yes, that's right, a very waxy substance which when heated has a tendency to revert to liquid form and smoosh across the page. Delicate petals became a sticky mess. The art was no more.

At least I still have a digital version to share with my buddies at Sunday Sketches... Unfortunately though, the person whose birthday card it was intended to be may have to have something else!


  1. Beautiful flower creation with dynamic colors ~ ^_^

  2. Just been reading a post that said "We learn most from our mistakes"! Sorry you had a disaster, we use so many products in our art, some errors are always going to happen x Joan

  3. You blog here,
    AND your new website look wonderful!
    Just signed up for your ecourse ♥♥

  4. Accident or accidental genius? I wouldn't have known it wasn't intentional:)

  5. Either common sense lessens or the need to experiment increases. Which ever, the poppies are beautiful...good plan to scan.
    have a great Sunday

  6. Beautiful poppies, too bad about the accident! <3

  7. pretty piece, I hate when accidents like that happen, how frustrating.

  8. The answer to your first questions is - yes most definitely.
    It would be interesting to see what the disaster looked like - probably a terrific abstract, but the three-poppy painting would make a lovely postcard.

  9. oh my goodness, the things that happen!
    it is lovely.

  10. Such bad luck...but call it a learning experience.

  11. I'd love to see what the "disaster" looks like! I am loving these poppies on the book page! I've got to find some old books to play with!

  12. agree - the mind goes as we age... lovely poppies!
    cheers, dana

  13. OH, what rotten luck! :( Sometimes, I take a photo of a certain stage I'm at before I go onto the next stage...just in case. At least you have a looks lovely even though you learned a lesson the hard way.

  14. Oh no! I've done that with liquid sealant and watercolor pencils before....makes you feel a bit silly, doesn't it....
    But, the spark was there....this is indeed a gorgeous piece, even if just in digital form right now :)

  15. I too have done something similar! Lucky that you listened to your intuition + scanned it. I bet with the colours it is still a lovely abstracty painting though x

  16. I have been enamored with poppies lately. Love being able to see this even though the original got messed up. We learn a lot from our disasters.


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