Sunday, 17 February 2013

Who you lookin' at?

I've got my beady eyes on you sunshine - just watch yourself! Tap, tap, tapping on your door...

You've got to feel sorry for the crow family - much maligned. Not helped by this new series The Following - a serial killer obsessed with Poe. Creepy. This fellow is actually pretty friendly. He does have his eye on your jewellery though....

I bought a couple of bird books yesterday from a charity shop - I feel an urge to painted our winged friends (alongside the current floral obsessions). Had some of my poppy paintings printed up onto large canvas this week - the idea being to take them back to the galleries that showed an interest and see if I can persuade them to adorn their walls and tempt their customers. Wish me luck!

This fine black bird is thrilled to be visiting his brethren at the Take a Word challenge this week and he also put in a request to check out my friends at Sunday Sketches. Who am I to argue with him?


  1. Lisa, this crow is fabulous...He has definately got his beady eye on something... :)

  2. I had such a great visit today Lisa, catching up with you on a Sunday morning is always a treat...this crow painted head on is SO good!
    I am excited for your poppy work to be hanging everywhere!!!
    I laughed at your phone story (I don't have a cell phone at all) and the drum video! I always liked British humor (or is it humour) the best.
    And then, you know how fascinated I am with your Royalty...Richard III! Imagine! If I didn't read your blog, I would be totally out of the loop. Great artwork and your writing...well you are a pro...♥♥♥

  3. I love crows - why are they so maligned? Yours is a gorgeous specimen. He's welcome to my jewels.

  4. Poor crows! Why ARE they maligned? Are they a harbinger of bad luck or something? Do they really steal purty things? I guess they do. I've read that people feel the same about magpies in England, but they are beloved in Australia, and are enticed to build nests on one's property. Go figure :)

    Anyway! I love the fellow above looking straight at me. You did an awesome job of expressing his curiosity! And, I think people will love your poppies. I know I do. Good luck with them!!

    Richard III? I looked for your post that Lisa mentioned, but couldn't find it... I read about his bones being found under a parking lot. How amazing! Poor Richard, was he really as bad a king as he is made out to be? The first book I ever read about him said 'no', so I always think he was made to look like a monster by Shakespeare to please the Tudors. If he really had a hand in killing the boys in the Tower, then I guess I am wrong. But I'm glad he will have a better resting place now. (Can you tell I'm too obsessed with British royalty? lol)

    Enjoy your Sunday! (if you have time to send me the link to your Richard III blog post, I'd love to read it!!)

  5. Wonderful crow ~ delightful! ^_^

  6. This is a perfect crow, staring into our faces with his beady eyes. A magpie has taken up residence in our garden and comes regularly to sit on our balcony rail and look into our flat.
    Good luck with your poppy paintings. They are so good, and I'm sure they'll fly off the gallery walls.

  7. Good luck with your canvases! Love the crow, looking straight at me. Hope you have had a good weekend.

  8. ~he seems so alive...ready to take flight from yoru you all the best with your would be an honor for them to have their walls decorated with the art of you...warm wishes and bright blessings~

  9. I LOVE HIM! And I love that you painted him on a book page!! Awesome!

    In Oregon, there are only crows (and ravens I think). When I moved to Korea, I noticed that there were only magpies. It was nice to see that here in Germany there are both crows AND magpies! Haha

    I was told to like the crows growing up. My dad believed that they were his passed on friends. *shrug*

  10. Hmmmm...I'd keep my distance, remembering Poe of course.

  11. Beautifully done..lovely soul..

  12. You've captured the essence of the crow! Really good painting!

  13. love your crow... didn't a certain gorgeous someone used to turn into a crow.... when did that stop???? so in a way does that mean this is a Damon portrait...even if it isn't I still love this... love those hints of blue...xx

  14. great job on the crow and i wish you all the best with the gallary!

  15. I really love watching and drawing crows. You're so right about how they get a bad rap as they are incredibly smart birds.

    Woot ... love your crow art!

  16. The crow is my totem animal. They are very intelligent birds. Love your painting!

  17. This guy is fantastic! You should have him printed on a canvas as well. Good luck with the galleries. :)

  18. wow! i love this face-to-face position!

  19. Wow! He's wonderful! Great piece! xx

  20. Oh my, isn't he a knowing fellow! I love the way you have angled your bird so he is right in the viewer's face. Great job and good luck with the poppies! xx

  21. You're right, Lisa, crows are maligned. A group of them is even called a murder of crows. Now isn't that the greatest disrespect? Your rendering really captures the eye. Well done!

  22. Simply beautiful! This is a lovely creation! :D

  23. Fabulous painting! He definitely has some attitude. I actually love crows. They have such character.

  24. He is awesome! (Must hide my earrings behind my hair before he notices them...)

  25. And to think I would have missed this little guy had I not clicked on the Older Post button.


  26. Your crow is amazing! Every time I take a peek at him I feel like has something to tell me!! Good luck with the gallery!


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