Saturday, 9 January 2010

Entering a crazy Wonderland

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?
The Mad Hatter

Oh yes, I am very excited about this upcoming cinematic extravaganza - who wants to see Johnny Depp play a straight role when he can lose himself in his, Tim Burton's and Lewis Carroll's imaginations?

This is a grown up piece of work from me. I use that definition for several reasons. The first being that I had to give it a PG certificate because it scares the pants off my son. In fact, he said "it looks evil". Well, he does have a point. It sort of became the Mad Hatter meets Johnny Depp meets the Joker...

Secondly though, this was a proper painting - on a big canvas (16" x 20"). There's a bit of collage in the background - you can just see some playing cards and pictures of Alice and friends, but other than that is just my painting. Mainly acrylics but with a little oil pastel and some watercolour pencil to add texture and detail.

I'm putting it for sale in my Etsy shop on the off chance that a Mad Hatter fan who doesn't mind being given the evil eye might happen upon it.

Inspired this week by Inspiration Avenue's 'Wonderland' challenge and Mixed Media Monday - 'Something New'. For the latter this meant being brave and tackling both a big painting and a portrait! The advantage of painting the Mad Hatter of course was that the slightly insane look in the eyes and strange skin colouring was perfectly acceptable!


  1. holey moley!! this is waaaayyy coooolll!!! it really looks like johnny depp!! what a fantastic painting!! i also love the background ... the cards just seems to fly off him like magic!! AWESOME!!

  2. This is great, Lisa! Love your rendition. That's funny that it scares your son. Johnny Depp is famous for playing these rather quirky parts and he does it so well.
    Nice submission.

  3. OMG OMG OMG this absolutely outstanding.
    I love Mad Hatter. I love this.

  4. Wow this is amazing, JD does play such terrific characters and does it so well. I think its the eyes that make it a bit scary, I expect for your son, they look straight at you!!!! I just love the way it seems to explode outwards from the centre of the picture! Elaine

  5. Definitely scary!! Those eyes are really glassy. But J D as the Mad Hatter - can't wait.

  6. This is one movie I am really looking forward to! You have really captured Johnny Depp portraying the Mad Hatter. Quite "mad" rather than evil, but I can see how your son could mistake one for the other! Just tell him mum will soon be selling the painting to a Mad Hatter fan and he won't have to see it again! Great job!

  7. This is a wonderful painting- you really captured the essence of the character but made it your own as well. I too am looking forward to this movie. Love the fantasy-love Johnny Depp. Also, really enjoyed visiting Mr. Sole Monkey- how fun and creative you are!

  8. Quite the talented miss. Specially as Johnny Depp scared the pants out of me in the trailers. I think you've captured him perfectly! So for that I'm bestowing on you the Happy 101 award if you would like to accept it and tell us 10 things that make you happy. Like rating your paintings PG for example ;-)

  9. Bravo for the "grown up" painting and he surely looked mad and a bit scary! Same here, looking forward to the movie. ;)

  10. Congrats to you! this is a great rendition of the mad hatter. He is evil and scary indeed. I can't wait to see Tim Burton's version of Alice. And I know Johnny Depp will not disappoint.
    See you in blog land.

  11. This is a wonderfully, wondrous interpretation of Wondrland! You really nailed Johnny Depp and the Hatter as well; great job!

  12. Lisa this is absolutely amazing!! I know the work and time that went into creating a piece like this and huge kudos to you dear friend!! I didn't even notice the cards and images behind him until you mentioned them, perhaps just so enamored with the portrait itself. I can see why you son would feel afraid but that just speaks more about how fabulous it is - well done!!♥

  13. wonderful painting, you are so talented! the insane look in his eyes is captured perfectly!

  14. OMG, how cool is this!!! love your mad hatter!!


  15. Your painting is absolutely stunning.

  16. Your painting is beautiful and artistic! Standing ovation from me. And I love Johnny Depp alias Mat Hatter:-)

  17. oh wow!!! this painting is awesome!!! what a fun and colourful have really captured his character here....and I love your new look....the background is awesome!!!

    Have a wonderful Monday!!!

  18. Wonderful piece of art! Love it!

  19. Wow, wow, wow...this just delights me. It has a marvelous sense of energy and crazed excitement about it. Sure hope we see many more "grown up" pieces from you. Bravo!

  20. oh i just love him lisa.... i do hope your son is not prone to nightmares! when my daughter was little, she would see the scariest of clowns in her dreams.....

  21. Excellent work! Those eyes are just screaming out "MAD!". Perfect for the character! Love the green background painted on cards, a very subtle but perfect detail.
    Cant wait to see the movie!!

  22. WOW - You undertook a big project. Congratulations - Fantastic Work!!!!

  23. Great painting - just amazing!

  24. Lisa, I think you were VERY brave to attempt such a large portrait, but your bravery certainly paid off - this is an amazing painting! Diane

  25. Ooh I love your take on the Mad Hatter Lisa - though I agree with your son he's scary - I am tempted to hide behind my computer chair when I look at him! The playing cards in the background are an inspired touch - love that!
    Angie x


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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