Monday, 4 January 2010

Monkey Business

On Christmas Eve a most unusual guest arrived to stay with us for a few days over the festive season. We were most honoured to play host to the little fella for he's got a busy worldwide schedule ahead of him over the coming months and plans to have many adventures. In fact, so that everyone can keep in touch, he decided to start his own blog (a monkey after my own heart). So why not pop along and follow the tails (pun and typo intended) of Mr Sole Monkey as he visits bloggers across our mighty nations. If you ask nicely, he may even visit you too...


  1. he is just too precious and looks like the perfect house guest!

  2. I would LOVE for him to visit me!!! He would get on famously with DORIS my positive Pig!! Look forward to reading his blog!

  3. EEEEE! He arrived! I was wondering how he had spent his holidays. Can't wait to see more!

  4. Hi there
    Thanks for popping over my way...I see you have some great colourful posts I'll have to scroll back through and another Italy lover too!!

    The previous post reminds me of the Robert Downey Jnr movie 'In My Dreams' those eyes just conjure that up for me... I haven't see Sherlock yet so will have to get myself to the movies....

    Thanks again for popping over.. Julie

  5. Oh how cool, I'll have to check him out.

  6. Blogs get stranger and stranger. And the really odd thing is he reminds me of someone


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