Sunday, 10 October 2010


Cool date!

My post today however has little to do with the calendar - it concerns shopping - more specifically the purchase of clothes!! (If my boyfriend is reading this he will by now have switched website to something boring about computers since the mere thought of shopping brings him out in a nasty rash).

Don't you just hate it ladies when you have in mind the perfect outfit yet no designer, shop or online boutique seems to have taken the same journey down the imagination?

Not even my boho favourite Monsoon will oblige this season. So, I'm turning to bloggers for help. Here, I've sketched what I'm after. If anyone spots it anywhere, do be a kind soul and let me know where I can purchase!

Long floaty skirt with perhaps two layers. A beaded hem for added charm. Low cut tailored tunic with embroidered details and maybe a few beads sewn here and there and something that glitters in the sunshine. What do you think? Anyone seen this for around £100 all in?

My entry for Sunday Sketches.

Of course, it was Paris Fashion Week, which probably deserves a mention. Not that I went or anything, but I did see some pictures - does that count? I rather liked this piece of woodland magic by Alexander McQueen. If you want to see more, then pop along to The Bottom of the Ironing Basket - Simone has a wonderful post. I do enjoy visiting her blog - always so many beautiful photographs of which this was one.


  1. Happy Sunday!
    What a charming outfit, and wonderfully sketched, too! Good luck with your search.
    Great shot too from Fashion week, ooh, wouldn't that be fun to wear for Halloween...

  2. nice outfit...i like the textures to it...the little designs in the top and the beads at the bottom...hmmm...hoping there is no poison ivy in that dress...smiles.

  3. That happens to me all the time! I have a picture in my mind of what I want and never find anything like it!

    I love your sketch! The style, colors, everything about it!

    Hope you find it! And if you do..let us know! ;)

  4. The skirt would be easy to sew. The top, a little more difficult, but a good seamstress shouldn't have any problem making that outfit for you. Bet you could find one to do it for that price or less, too.

    The beadwork would be dependent on how detailed and expensive you wanted it to be - you could buy trim that's already beaded and sew it under the hem. If you want handwork, or glass beads, that would be more expensive and time consuming.

    It's a nice design. Good luck with your hunt!

  5. Supposing you could find a top of the right shape and colour, make the skirt as suggested and then use some of the same fabric and beads to finish off the top as you have drawn? I think that would be do-able. I did that when I needed a dress for a ballroom dancing event I went to. I ended up buying a cheap, straight up and down velvet dress (from a thrift store!), a few yards of organzer, satin and net, some silver embelishments and spent a couple of evenings with my trusty sewing machine!

    It turned out real well, like a Diana Ross type thing all slinky and swishy at the bottom! I lost count how many people asked me where I got it!! LOL! Give it a go!

    Ro xxx

  6. Great outfit and you sketched it well. Are you hiding an inner desire to be a designer? I am with the others, see if you can find a seamstress that will make it for you, or if you sew perhaps you can find a pattern that is similar and you can embellish it the way you like.

  7. Here a crazy thought-have you tried a vintage shop? Or maybe etsy vintage? Other than that as the others said-have to have it made.

  8. Lovely sketch Lisa! I hope you find it! Or that you find someone to create it for you!

  9. love your outfit! wonderful sketch of it too.
    if I see it... i will let you know.
    thanks for letting me know about fashion week, I will indeed take a peak.

  10. Ah, Paris in fall! Used to be in the fashion industry, fashion shows were my favorite part! But to be a designer would be sooo great! Love your design sketch! No i wasn't a model at 5' tall :-), only store owner, fashion show co-ordinator photographer sales girl accountant garbage janitor!

  11. I love the colors in your sketch. Good luck with your search.

  12. I love your sketch! I guess you'll have to add clothing designer to your long list of talents :)

  13. It is a cool date - I didn't even realize (I'm really 'with it' hee hee)

    Great sketch - You are so creative I bet you could sew it yourself (coming from the person who is so intimidated by her sewing machine it just sits and collects dust!)


    p.s. the bit about your boyfriend made me chuckle out loud!

  14. looks like an old-fashion but modern outfit but elegant, I like the color combination

  15. I am sure you could add dressmaking to your many talents - the skirt would be straight forward. However you may do better with a woodland efect top - stitch a few autumn leaves onto your camisole vest(LOL)

  16. Great sketch Lisa, Don't you just love long flowy skirts! Good luck finding this charming outfit - I'll keep my eyes peeled for you...


  17. What a lovely drawing...I hope you find what you're looking for. I especially like the skirt - you could perhaps find a similar one and stitch the beads on?

  18. adorable outfit! I love the beads around the bottom. I hope you find it somewhere!


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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