Saturday, 30 October 2010


Weighed down with sweet treats she returned home spent. She may be tired and a little unravelled but is feeling decidely pleased with the night's haul!

A bit of fun for Halloween. Tomorrow my son gets his first foray into the world of trick or treating aka collecting a large quantity of teeth-rotting substance. Given that the tooth fairy has had to pay us two visits this week already, I think I may have to put some form of rationining into motion on our return. He is fully prepared with pumpkin bucket and terrifying mask.

I'm thought I might go in disguise too (so the neighbours don't know who it is out begging!).

Interesting to see just how much has been 'spent' on Halloween in the UK this year in comparison to 'ye olden days'. Check out that link to a BBC news item. Spending in the UK has increased 23-fold since 2001!

I've been learning 'whimsey' from Tam at Willowing this week so thought I would use the new skill to spooky effect for Illustration Friday 'spent' and Sunday Sketches.


  1. Love your illustartion..beautiful ,,you are awesome!

  2. I love this. It reminds me of a very greedy little girl who used to stay up half the night walking the streets alone just to get one more sucker or tootsie roll so that she would win the contest between she and her brother. I was so bad.

    Thanks for reminding me. It is still one of my favorite holidays. Hope your son has a ball tonight!

  3. Too cute.
    Have fun on Halloween.

  4. About 35 years ago I went to a fancy dress party up in Aberdeen dressed just like your lovely lady (with a little fake blood thrown in for fun). That was when you used to get those horrendous multi-car pile ups in the fogs on the motorways. So my Ex and I (both Americans) went as 'M1 drivers' or 'Bloody Yanks". Glad you enjoyed the cartoons!

  5. Fun drawing, I love the cat.

  6. Hi! Happy Halloween! Love the picture! I've never tried Whimsey, it looks great!


  7. a little unraveled...smiles. fun halloween pic...and i too like the inclusion of the cat and there is just something about the eyes...very nice.

  8. oh lisa, I love this! Very whimsical indeed...I should have taken the course with you! Love the mummy outfit, of my favorite costumes. Yes, we can put our illustrations together this week! Cute one. enjoy the day, xxoo

  9. What a fun idea for "spent"... love it!

    Enjoy your trick or treating :)


  10. Very great! Too much candy! Bet the teachers look forward to tomorrow - not! Happy Halloween enjoy the rounds!

  11. LOL! Spent...great title! I love that she is coming undone...she can't rest yet, tho...she has to sort all of the candy into piles acordin to size and flavor...arrggh! that could take all night!

  12. What a whimsical take on mummy! Bet you must have a great trick and treat time with the little man. :)

    Though I'm also at Tam's free class, haven't got time to work on any of the lessons yet ...

    Keep going my fellow creative! ;)

  13. Wow, this is an amazing work of art and totally awesome for Halloween!!!

  14. This is just an adorable illustration, She looks like a very happy, although tired mummy.

  15. Great one! I hope your son got lots of goodies and the neighbors didn't recognize you ;o) Cool style!

  16. That's how we were. Great work.


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