Saturday, 19 May 2012

Why the long face?

Because it's typical that when you're just doodling on some scrappy piece of paper-cut-off-from-something-else, you end up with a piece that you quite like, except that you don't listen to the niggle at the back of your mind that the proportion appears to be slightly wrong. No, you just carry on quite happily, until the following morning you discover that your girl's face has become elongated over night!

What can we learn from this?

Well, firstly that the fairies have clearly been at her. I'm sure she was fine when I went to bed.

Secondly, one should never give up. My motto is 'where there's a will, there's a way' and so I determined that her features would shrink (in the least painful way possible rendering no harm to the poor girl). An eraser was gingerly (and then somewhat ferociously) applied, but it would not oblige. Too many layers of prismacolour wax put paid to that idea.

So, I just drew over her in pen, restyled her hair - including a fringe covering the second eye line - added a dab of paint or two et voila!

Yet... there still seems something amiss. Is one eye bigger than the other? What happened to her torso? Do I like that green smudge to the right of her neck?

Well, let me tell you - the fairies were certainly present. Look what they bade me do. She squealed when I stamped her (but not as much as when I applied the beeswax!). I appeased her with the pretty crown sprinkled with pain relieving fairy dust and she has forgiven me for having one eye slightly higher than the other. Fairies are wonky though... apparently.... so that's OK!

I'm sharing with Sunday Sketches. Might as well post it now, as it's Sunday somewhere East of here...


  1. loved hearing about her transformation
    loved seeing the stages too
    i really like each one just as much as the next
    which goes to show that when a piece is complete it is all about the artist and what makes her heart sing

  2. Lisa... she is beautiful... and I love seeing her transformation too... so happy that you added pain relieving fairy dust after the hot beeswax... and her pretty crown...

    Jenny x

  3. interesting transformation! She's beautiful!

  4. I think that did the trick! The stamping was a great addition :)

  5. Eheheh!! Love her transformation!

  6. so cool how you changed her appearance, yet still kept the best of her!

  7. Great save! But you know, I really like the longer version, too. I think a little distortion is our artistic license. :)

  8. oh yes, love the progress of your lady!
    stamping looks great!!!
    enjoy your day

  9. Love seeing the progression between what the fairies did to her and your amazing talent she's awesome! :)

  10. she turned intoa completely different girl right before our eyes. true magic you work, my friend!

  11. The way she transform was beautiful. The stamps enhance her beauty!

  12. They are both wonderful ~ they work ~ your art style is yours and it is excellent ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

  13. It looks great in the final form, though I quite liked it at each stage... bloody fairies are unreliable aren't they...xx

  14. I love how the plashes of color seem random but they really add depth to your paintings. And the flowers were just the perfect touch.

  15. Sensational portraits. I love the long thin format.
    Happy Painting.

  16. She is very beautiful..and her energy vibes with alot of spirit too..the flowers are dazzling..gorgeous work.

  17. I think she was great in the first version. But we do tend to overanalyze sometimes. My drawings don't look exactly like the photo I copied them from, but they look like SOMEONE! You did some ingenious fixing! :D

  18. This is a very moody piece. I quite liked the initial piece and don't thinkit needed alteration, but your final piece certainly has some charm. I particularly like your choice of stamps.

    Best wishes,

  19. I love the getting a sneak peak at the evolution of a persons creativity! I love her crown, and the smaller eye seems to give off the perception that the right side of her head is further away and about to turn!! Enjoyable character!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. ohhhh so nice to see her appearing! What a delicious process! Love love love her in the end ♥

  21. Somehow I liked the first one best! Valerie


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