Thursday, 19 April 2012

Pretty Flamingo

Lisa Wright

There's a method to the madness... I'm experimenting. This week I was inspired by the work of Lawrence Yang who I 'stumbled upon'...

His bio reads:

Lawrence Yang wrestles with informational abstractions by day and paints by night. Influenced by graffiti art and traditional Chinese painting, he employs ink, marker, and watercolor, as the permanence of this media adds a sense of immediacy to his work. Lawrence's paintings make use of color to communicate atmosphere and emotion, and they are concerned primarily with creating order out of chaos (and vice versa).

Lawrence Yang

Lawrence Yang

He's seeing dimension in drip and dribble, substance in splatter... and little birdies and teddy bears in ... well ... maybe we shouldn't go there...

I took my own interpretation of his technique and, because I was wearing my best clothes at the time and didn't want to ruin them, printed out some splatter work I had 'prepared earlier' (just like Delia Smith). It was just some pink dribbles really with a random blog of green. It immediately spoke to me. In fact, truth be told, it sang.... 'pretty flamingo'. It sang it a lot... until I got really annoyed...

Anyway, we ended up with three pretty flamingos and one green bug. I was quite pleased that Manfred Mann hadn't recorded any songs about green bugs.

If you're interested in exploring new techniques (and getting annoying songs stuck in your head), then this is just the kind of thing we'll be doing on my Inspirational eCourse (shameless plug!). It starts on May 14th.

I'm also getting immersed in my messy book group which is proving great fun with the mess tribe getting up to all sorts of mischief and goading each other on in our Facebook group. We're learning that sometimes art must become mess before it can become art again (but sometimes it's just mess). If you want to get crayon shavings in your carpet or charcoal up your nose, then come and join us any time! Just request an invite to the Facebook group. The more the messier!

I'm sharing this for Paint Party Friday too.


  1. I swear to you that I sneezed this morning and more charcoal came out.... and don't get me started on how much is in my hair... having fun though and hope even more people join in... as to the flamingoes... I love them ... those legs are just awesome... can't wait to see more experiments...xx

  2. So cool...flamingos with wobbly legs made from paint dribbles....neat!

    I'm so glad you are having so much fun!!

  3. Lovely flamingos! They remind me of holiday in Florida....Happy PPF, Valerie

  4. love your flamingos and the inspiring work of Lawrence Yang! Thanks for sharing Lisa.

  5. Delightful! And a clever idea for sure.

  6. very zen like and colorful flamingos ~thanks for sharing, namaste, ^_^ Happy PPF ^_^

  7. Beautiful flamingos..and wonderful artist..beautiful work!

  8. I love your series of trees, very original for the color. Saludos

  9. Oh wonderful! Love the flamingos and the great info on your inspiration. Kim

  10. Loving your fab flamingos and love the extra dimension you have added. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend. Annette x

  11. Lovely flamingo- such a gorgeous deep shade of pink!

  12. Love your flamingos, and the concept behind your experimentation. Very cool!

  13. Of course those pink drips are flamingo legs! Now you have got me wanting to drip ink and splatter even more randomly that I normally do.

  14. What fun and great Flamingos!! Experiment some more and delight us with you work :0)

  15. Wonderful flamingos! And loving all your other posts lately, wish i Could play along with you on your journeys, you are so busy lately but i can't imagine adding anything else on right now, your portal post was very intriguing though! Good luck on all your adventures!!!

  16. Oh my goodness - I LOVE these pink flamingoes and their dribbly fun!!! And I'm amazed at all these goodies and projects you have going on!!! Keep sharing! :)

  17. Great idea, I can see Lawrence's allure! Really pretty both yours and his work!! How many times have we looked at a pattern on the wall or a towel to see unexpected things, like flamingos!!
    Happy ppf! Very interesting post, thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. Who wouldn't look at a row of pink drips and see flamingo legs?! (me, for one) Genius! I love how you took the inspiration of style from Yang and made it work for you.

    I've ordered my messy book and look forward to joining in soon.

  19. Love the Flamingo's Lisa! I love the concept of creating something out of paint drips, I haven't come across Lawrence Yang's work before but I find it really appealing, will have to check it out, thanks for sharing and for your inspirational Flamingo's :) x

  20. I LOVE this look! Your flamingos are wonderful!! It's fun seeing what you can make of drips, splats, blots, etc. Lawrence Yang's work is wonderful! Thanks for the link.

    Finally got my book for your book group. Now I can start to play. (Ordered the wrong book at first... duh!)


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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