Thursday, 16 July 2009

Her name is Rio...

I'm so bored at work. It feels like all my energy is being sucked out of me leaving this shrivelled and tired old prune to come home of an evening. Most evenings I manage to jump start myself after a little sustenance and a bit of fun with my son. Then, once he is in bed, the creativity tends to begin (aka making more of a mess of my house and/or being glued to the PC - sometimes literally if blogging follows collaging - sticky business!). Tonight though I really am drained. I snuggled up in bed while talking to my boyfriend and then had to prize myself out, so wedged in was I by duvet and comfort. Now I can't get out of this chair because I am weighed down by big fluffy cat who himself is in no mood to go anywhere. If you watched the vlog last week that was small, skinny cat. Big fluffster is about twice that size. He is purring very contentedly now... who am I to move him? I shall just have to sit here and ramble.

Shall we just have a chat tonight? What shall we talk about? Do you want to see my new picture? This was quite an experiment. All manner of ingredients went in this cooking pot. Firstly, I spotted a pretty black & white lady in a suit with short hair in a magazine. I asked her nicely to sit for me... on this rather colourful sheet of paper that called to me one day in Hobbycraft. "Take me home with you" it's delicious tones whispered. I want to be with all your other supplies that you'll use one day." Secretly it hoped for a quiet life, undisturbed for years with lots of other interesting bits and pieces for company. Ah! But that was before. That was the old me!

So, pretty lady sat neatly on the bright paper and I had a think. The swirls in the paper intrigued me and I wanted to weave them into her hair. She said she'd always wanted extensions so that was OK. I stuck her down and we began her transformation.

Into the mix went some acrylics - including the most gorgeous gold colour that I seem to use with everything these days that adds a real intensity of light. Unfortunately the label fell off when it got left out in the garden for months (don't ask!) so replacing it will be interesting! Anyway, she took quite a battering with the hair and make up. Her hair started to get rather tangled up with the swirls on the paper and flowers began to entwine themselves, oil pastels dashed and splashed, rubbed and scrubbed. We were both having fun but we wanted MORE. So, we hopped on a flight to Brazil and joined the throbbing carnival beat, dancing in the coloured lights and moving to the demonic beats... Her name is Rio... and she dances on the sand....


  1. Oh, isn't it enlightening to pull something out from the past, and see it in a new light. Especially to see the good in it. As artists we tend to be so very critical of our own work. It can be very inspiring to see the paths we were on in pieces we put away for a while. Good for you for doing that.

  2. I like this picture and she is soooo Rio...


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