Saturday, 27 November 2010

Guest post

Today I would like to welcome a special guest poster to my blog. He's a cute little man who has been doing his homework with his Mummy. Here he is to tell you all about it.

"We had to do a project about Motown. Motown is a special type of music from a long long way ago. It comes from the city of Detroit in USA. I had to pick a song and design a record sleeve and my song was Rockin Robin by Michael Jackson. My Mummy drawed Michael Jackson first and I painted him. It took about one hour. I loved it and I can't wait to take it into school. I really like being a guest blogger."


  1. I think that it is great that you are working on the project together. Super drawing!

  2. Great guest post! Thanks for sharing what you learned about Motown and your wonderful record sleeve!

  3. Super painting! I am sure he will ace the project!! He did a real good jog painting.


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