Tuesday, 14 February 2012

A love affair

I'm in love. It's true. I can't keep it in. My heart is pounding, my soul dances polkas and my eyes light up from within.

This isn't the same love I hold for my sweetheart and my gorgeous boy though (for they are both most dear and truly loved in their own unique and special ways).

No, this is a different kind of magic altogether. It's the loving 'what you were meant to do'. It's random paint splotches forming shapes and pictures. It's eyes revealing personality from the page. It's texture, colour, depth. It's mystery, magic. It's Art.

Sometimes I want to create art so much it hurts - a physical pull. Others I feel pain from frustration when what I yearn to put onto canvas just refuses to take shape. Art makes me happy. Art soothes and caresses away the stresses of the day. Art is part and parcel of me.

It took me a while but I finally learnt that I was born to create. Sure I can do other things (and have to!), but creativity is as much a part and parcel of me as my boy and my sweetheart. Creating makes me happy.

Sharing today with a Valentine's blog party with the Fly Tribe - celebrating our love of art.

PS: I was properly spoilt today. I feel loved :)

PPS: If you love art, you might like to sign up (see the button top right) for something exciting I am planning. All will be revealed soon!!


  1. What a wonderful love to have... I agree completely, of course!

    Happy Valentine's Day... Enjoy!


  2. Happy V-day Lisa♥
    As I was catching up with your posts,
    I noticed the very intriguing adventure you are planning...of course I signed up :)

  3. I know exactly what you mean about the frustatin thing...have a wonderful day:)

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this love affair with us lucky readers; not just today but everyday.

    Happy Valentines Day.


  5. Beautifully written! Thank you for sharing. Love & Grace, AnaLisa

  6. Couldn't have said it better! Thanks for sharing your post and your art. Happy Valentine's Day!

  7. ~you made my ♥ yearn for more...i can feel your words...create away cause its a beautiful gift you behold...happy to hear your day has been filled with l♥ve overflowing...may it remain always...much love light and blessings~

  8. Great passion in your Love For Art! Thanks for sharing your passions. Happy Valentines Day!

  9. Happy Love Day Lisa!! I have fallen in love with art too and it has saved me in many ways.

    Hmmm, I am curious and excited about your surprise! I will have to sign up!


  10. <3 Art is amazing that way: sometimes I want to smash what I'm working on, but then realize the reason I love it is because it IS hard. :)

  11. What LOVEly comments on how art touches your inner core - LOVE that!

  12. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts and that gorgeous heart. Happy Valentines Day, x

  13. What a beautiful post, and heart!! Happy Valentines Day!!

  14. Super beautiful post..Happy V-Day..and yes creativity is love and magical!

  15. Wonderful blog post...of course I did notice your special notice and had to sign up.

  16. Doncha just love falling in love?!

  17. Love your heart and your post. <3

  18. Fantastic post and I can recognise much of what you say; I just haven't fallen as hard - yet! :)

  19. Ain't Love Grand! Love your post and totally agree...art is so lovable.

    Teresa Erwin

  20. ....and isn't it amazing and wonderful that this Art that soothes and caresses you finds its way to the hearts of your viewers too!

  21. I absolutely LOVE this post, and I totally relate to it! Thank you so much for this, it made my day!


  22. what a wonderful profession of love :-) have subscribed to the new exciting stuff ♥

  23. Art is pure magic....love it! Thank you1

  24. Great thoughts on love of art!

  25. I thoroughly enjoyed your profession of L O V E! Creating makes me haPPy too! Thanks for sharing~

  26. Beautiful and can really feel your love for your art. Happy Creating

  27. Nice post - art does make you happy!

  28. I love your words...so beautifully written!

  29. What an awesome "love" to have! Never thought of it that way. Thank you!! happy flying!!


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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