Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Soaking up


Looking for inspiration tonight, I mopped up a paint spill with this page and Kara decided to show up. She has a bit of a wry grin on her face. I think she looks a bit wrung out - must be all that excess paint she soaked up playing havoc with her features.

I would ruminate more and maybe take her on an adventure; but it's late and I'm tired and I need to go to bed!

I'm still doing Art Every Day - even when half asleep. It is indeed a most relaxing pastime... I also have some soggy, salty paper drying and a few doodles to show for this evening - and two very large bags under my eyes... I did check to see if there were any art supplies in them, but they're just full of dark circles...

Talking nonsense again... Time to sleep....



  1. hi sleepy lisa,

    salty paper? this sounds neat. i heard there is something you can do with salt and watercolor - but i'm not sure what it is :))
    so i'm looking forward to seeing what it is that you have

  2. She does have a wry look. Great soaking up! Get some rest :).
    Stay inspired!

  3. Dark circles could make very interesting picture....take care! Valerie

  4. Don't know how you manage to do art everyday and write and work and and.... you are actually pretty amazing - hope you know that. Love the little crooked smile on this painting. Now go and get some sleep!

  5. *Whispers*

    Are you awake? I think from the look on her face that Kara's up to something while you're not looking ;)

  6. Beautiful! Great to have inspiration to keep the creative flow going, but sleep is a necessary ingredient too!

  7. I love how Kara came about - always up for recycled art lol if only it were art supplies that caused those bags lol hope you're all rested now :) x

  8. Kara looks like she could get into a bit of mischief while you're sleeping. :-)
    Great work. Found you via AEDM.

  9. Kara is lovely and it was interesting to hear how she came about. A penny for her thoughts ~ ;)

    It's funny how AEDM seems to have an auto-pilot affect on us.

    I hope you had a restful sleep.

    ~ Serena :)

  10. Kara is lovely indeed! Hope you got the rest you needed.

  11. It fun paintin gon books I'm not usre what happnes alchemically in my head to make them different but they are. I like you mop up picture!

  12. Yes, I like this new medium...the painting mingled with the it!


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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