Sunday, 8 August 2010

The bird girl

This week for Sunday Sketches, I have temporarily laid down my Drawing Lab book as I've been playing with Mystele in the Little Glimpses studio. She offered a free storytelling class. I've been a fan of hers for around a year now and love how she's never afraid to 'keep going' with a piece, layering over and over again until the real story of the piece shows itself.

In the same spirit, I took an old picture that I didn't quite know what to do with and decided to start again. The original was an autumnal Kelly-Rae style piece but one I was never happy with once I discovered the Suzi Blu method to drawing stylised faces!

My poor girl, who sadly lacked the quirkiness of Kelly's sweet girls disappeared under thick gesso and more layers of collage and acrylics. Inks and tissue paper replaced the old story with the new.

I left my background to dry overnight while I waited for the narrative to reveal. I guess it was inevitable that a girl's face would materialise. I sketched her with charcoal expecting to paint in her features but she immediately told me that wasn't her way. She would reveal herself by what had gone before, share her history through her layered background. Then, just when I thought she was settled, a large black bird landed on her shoulder and cocked a bright eye at me. I blinked in surprise and could have sworn he smiled before he too began to fade into the background history.

The question remains - do I continue to work on her, pull the chapters out, or is her story complete.... ?

Mixed media on canvas board. Acrylics, papers, tissue, ink, charocal.


  1. Very cool exercise. Hmmm I don't know what to tell you because I think she looks pretty fantastic here as she is. If you do continue keep the photos coming so you have images of all her chapters. That texture is incredible!

  2. Only you know....
    Loving the layers and textures though.
    I have a feeling that her story is going to continue...

  3. Hi,
    I really like it. The colors and all of the layering and the birdie, too. I admire all of you that work with mixed media, really, it's amazing work.
    happy sunday to you!

  4. ~with a mind like yours...i am sure their is more to come...i l♥ve not only the artwork you create but the way you tell your stories keep us captivated...always wanting more...i have never really played with layers so it is quite fascinating to see what can be done...i think she is grand but i am sure she will be back in a more spectacular the magic of your hand and mind...warm wishes and brightest blessings~

  5. She's very cool looking,I like her and it sounds like she already has a story.

  6. Wow!!!..she is Magnificent...what a spellbinding beauty!!! I absolutely LOVE her energy and deep stirring soul essence...gorgeous work!!

  7. Very fab the way she is but if you think there is more to tell...I say go for it! I signed up for the free class too and loved it!

  8. I love her! I think she's great the way she is but only you can know if she has more to say. Happy Sunday.

  9. very pretty, can't help to smile at her
    hugs and muau!!!!

  10. She's magical Lisa. I love how her face is lit up. I think this is wonderful as it is. Funny, i go through the same thing wondering if I am finished with a piece or not...Thanks again for your suggestions on my latest!

    Smiles and have a super Sunday!

  11. She is lovely!! She looks so mysterious, like she has a few secrets up her sleeve. I love all the layering, I wish I could do that kind of artwork but I just haven't figured it out! Have a wonderful Sunday :) ~Lauren

  12. either - she could be done, wonderful colours, sure she has a story or the background could be embellished - she'll let you know!


  13. Trust that she'll let you know ... :)

  14. I loved reading this story, this process, she is wonderful and the layers add so much to her unfolding. The bird is wonderful.

    The piece I share this week is also a multi layered piece. It was such a journey.

  15. I vote continuing this piece and take photos or scan the process - who knows, it may become something wonderful


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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