Sunday, 1 August 2010

Old loves

Multi tasking today. Combining Sunday Sketches with working through The Drawing Lab (inspired from nature) and Mixed Media Monday where the prompt was to return to 'an old art love'.
Behold image 1 - sketch of flower
Until about 18 months ago, if I got my paints out it would inevitably be to paint something from nature - and as accurately as possible. This was copied from a beautiful photograph sent to me by Faerwillow - I won a giveaway of her photos. If you visit her site, you may just spot this one! She also sent me the most adorable Guardian Faerie to keep me safe. On the subject of giveaways - I think I shall have one of my own to celebrate reaching 200 followers... 8 to go!
I wasn't overly impressed by my sketch, so returned to my second old love... watercolours to see if I could improve things a bit.
Behold image 2 - watercolour washes
Hmm, I think I prefer acrylics, so much more forgiving. Now I return to my Drawing Lab lesson and consult additional media.
Behold image 3 - mixed media
The application of Inktense pencils, water and black & white ink pens as well as abstraction. Happier now, but clearly need more practice!


  1. i think they are all absolutely beautiful!

  2. Lovely, really! I like oyur flowers.

    I love the addition of the pen and ink.

    Hope you get your 200 followers!!!
    happy sunday, and happy creating.

  3. looks so pretty and lots of fun methinks!!

  4. They are all lovely and each holds a different appeal, I love black and white sketches so that is a perfect sketch to me. I also love to work with watercolor the softness is something that evokes romance when used with flowers. The inktense pencils and ink give it a sharpness that really brings out the flower. Great job all around.

  5. the final one looks quite wonderful & detailed

  6. I loved seeing all your stages and hearing what you did. I love how it turned out. So lovely.

  7. I love how this evolved and the story behind it Lisa. Really delicate and beautiful. Love how the pen really makes it stand out.

    Smiles and happy Sunday!

  8. Very lovey flowers, especially the final one with the ink detail. I like to watercolor too and your sketch and paintings really brought a smile to my face today. :-)

  9. I am glad you took the step-by-step pictures...That was really fun to see. And I think the flower is beautiful!

  10. Your flower is lovely - water colour is very tricky as you know, you are right, practice helps, but adding some pen work can help as you have shown. I am rarely happy working with watercolour alone.

  11. Love the flower!! Inktense rocks!! I adore mine!!

  12. Wow!! You draw really well Lisa! I LOVE image 3 and I am now follower 193!! 'o)

  13. i envy you for these skills!! your drawing is absolutely professional! (i can´t draw, so i must stamp;))

  14. Beautiful work - you have so many of your skills at work here. I love the subtlety yet with a painters detail. Brilliant!

  15. Very, very beautiful! You are so talented!!!

  16. I always love seeing an artist's process, especially when the end result turns out to be so lovely!

  17. ~wasn't impressed with your first sketch...well I AM...and then to add the made it come to life in a whole new very beautiful and honored you felt moved by the photo to create away...l♥♥♥ve...may your guardian always be with you...much l♥ve and light upon you always~

  18. We think you are too hard on yourself - we are looking late due to schedules, but love the changes and the final product! Great!

  19. All of them are gorgeous! I love how the pen makes the colours more intense! great sketches!

  20. I love it - to see the evolution of it is such a treat! And I agree, I really like the final version with the ink details, Kristin xo
    PS Good luck on your 200 to come!

  21. Oh so lovely...great to see the series of pics soft in the watercolor and pencils...

    Jenny x

  22. Oh, Lisa! This is gorgeous! Diane

  23. A lovely painting and the finished painting has lovely detail! Very pretty!


Thank you for your comments - I always love to hear what you think :)

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