Friday, 30 October 2009

I'm back on...

... The Joy Diet that is. Never mind all that truth and desire nibbling; risk was the diet ingredient that I needed to get my teeth into. It's got my brain digesting in a whole new way. I couldn't wait for Friday to write about it, so check out Tuesday's post. I have to tell you readers that I am feeling a whole lot less chicken today. In fact there's not a sparrow or turkey in sight either. In fact I'm soaring, I am an eagle floating on thermals... I am the hawk motionless above its prey (opportunity), just waiting for the moment (forthcoming!) to pull back my wings and dive onto what I want. No more floating around in the air, the time has come for decisive action - claws out - strike - take it.

Swoosh - I did it. I quit my job. Waheeeeeeeeeee. You have no idea how good this feels. I am soaring, my wings are filled with fresh air. I am the pheonix from the flames. I am ME! I am back. I am full of metaphors but who cares, I am free!

I admit there is a strong possiblity of paid work in the offing, so it's not a leap into the complete abyss, but you know if I didn't leave that little nest soon, it was about to fall apart sending me spiralling.

I am also in a state of such nervous excitement that I am incapable of writing anything else, so I'm taking my son out to lunch and to the movies.

And as for this week's chapter on Treats...

Treat yourself Martha suggests, reward your behaviour... Hey Martha, I live for treats. You're preaching to the converted there love. Speaking of which... lunch calls...

Tomorrow begins today!


  1. Congratulations on following your heart. Your excitement is so evident and contagious. Reading your post made me smile. Have a wonderful week.

  2. In a word, Wow. That's incredible. I'm really happy for you, you must be positively giddy!

  3. Well done, really looking forward to sharing your progress into the unknown, you have written from your heart and your excitement shines out.

  4. WOOHOO!!!!!! You go girl!!!! Bravo to you for stepping into the marvelous possibilities of who you can be... and out of what was holding you back! You are an inspiration...

  5. I GASPED outloud!!! Yabafreakin'dabadoo!!! CONGRATULTIONS!!!!!!!
    The possibilities await...!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hi Lisa,
    Wheeeeeee! I'm happy you can afford to follow your dream! Best wishes for writing!!!! The world is at your fingertips.

  7. How thrilling to just go for it!!! A brand new set of possibilities will open up for you. BRAVO!!!

  8. Me too - I found myself gasping!! & 'leaping for joy' with you!!
    Thanks for the link to the earlier post - & the boys are fabulous - make me want to go paint/ draw some, too!!
    May the new opportunities that come your way flood you with abundance & happiness!


  9. Yay! Congratulations!
    Your positive energy and enthusiasm is thrilling. :)

  10. Yay for you! I am so happy for you, this is fantastic news, you soar girl!!!

  11. wow Lisa that is great! I am glad you took the Leap. Now I am picturing you working in a wonderful new job at Warwicke Castle. I know there is this amazing new opportunity out there for you. Go for it.


  12. Not working at Warwick Castle ... yet ... but who knows!! Actually visited there yesterday. Had a great day.

  13. This is such an amazing post. Your enthusiasm feels so contagious. May you continue to soar.

  14. So y'all have a downturn as well. But you sound wonderful, indeed as if you're soaring. Way to go. Sometimes all we need to do is step out and let the Universe meet us. What is the saying about steping into empty space knowing you will either find a path or wings to fly...

    This is my first Nanowrimo - it is more trial run then anything. Don't try and take on too much, but if you do forgive yourself if you fall short.

  15. Yay for you! Congrats and best of luck.

  16. CONGRATULATIONS on your very, very brave step towards a fulfilling career that satisfies your professional desires. Woo-hoo! Now it is time to celebrate!

  17. C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!

    I am so happy for you, OMG!!!
    i wish i were there with you to celebrate, let's do something, in a little while it will be cocktail hour in California and then i will have a glass of wine in your honor, sounds good? i am very happy for you!
    you rock!!!!

    hugs!!! muchos!!!

  18. Wow, congratulations! You deserve extra big treats after this leap. Wishing you a joy filled week.

  19. Yay! Congratulations! Woohoo! All the best to you as you make the leap forward into life as you wish it to be.

  20. Congratulations on taking a risk and going for what your heart desires most. Remember this feeling right here, right now. Bottle it. Uncork it when you have moments when your mind plays tricks on you and says, "Oh shit. Did I do the right thing?" Know and trust that you did because of how you feel today. This my dear is living an authentic life. Brava!

  21. I gasped out loud too! Oh my god Lisa - well done! We need to catch up, can't wait to hear all the news. I'm very, very pleased for you. Linds xx

  22. OMG!! I am SO proud of you!! I hardly could believe my eyes when I read those words and actually muttered "Oh my gawd" when I read them!! You soar dear friend... and keep soaring - I've no doubt those wings will carry you far!! Huge Hugs♥♥

    (Oh and Buble's "Feeling Good"?? listened to it all the time when I took to the sky as well - perfect choice!)

  23. WELL DONE! Ultimately whatever you're doing, the important thing is to follow your heart. I'm so happy for you! :)

  24. congrats for following your heart! i did it before and it was scary but felt great at the same time. this was kinda like a risk and a treat all wrapped into one ;)

  25. Great for you! Step out there on faith!


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